

Different product selection corresponding packaging machine

Category:Frequently Asked Questions
Date:2018-09-06 02:53:53
The shortage of domestic workers and the increase in labor management costs, traditional handicraft workshops have not kept up with the rhythm of the market, many traditional enterprises have joined the automated production industry. The trend of replacing manual work with mechanical automation has been presented in various industries, and buyers will select packaging machinery in a targeted manner. The vertical packaging machine is suitable for packaging industries such as food, medicine, chemical, agriculture, hardware, cosmetics, fast moving consumer goods and so on. Below, let's pick a few typical cases to analyze how the packaging machine should be selected.
1. Food packaging machine, food has higher requirements for storage, and which type of packaging is suitable.
A: Food packaging is generally vacuum packed, which can preserve the quality and taste of food, including meat products and snacks.
2. Milk powder packaging machine, the characteristics of milk powder (such as hygiene, precision, etc.), how to choose the milk powder packaging machine for the characteristics of milk powder.
Answer: Milk powder is a particularly high hygiene requirement and is a powder type material. According to the characteristics of the milk powder, determine the packaging measurement method suitable for milk powder: screw metering. Calculate the weight of the milk powder by volume.
3. Potato chip packaging machine, the potato chips are crisp and brittle, need to be measured, and how to choose the piece of potato chip packaging machine.
A: Potato chips, flakes, suitable for measurement: electronic scale. The potato chips are crisp and brittle, and may be chipped during the blanking process, but the potato chips are very light and will be fragmented by gravity.
4. Screw packing machine, the screw needs several particles, the characteristics of the measurement, how to choose the screw packaging machine for these.
A: In many electrical appliances and furniture industries, there are screws for installation. For these industries, according to the needs of customers, custom-made screw packaging machines are basically made of vibrating trays and optical fiber counting methods. Quantity.
5. The granule packaging machine, how to choose the granule packaging machine for these characteristics.
A: granules, small granular materials, small packaging bags. A measuring cup can be used to measure its weight.
6. The characteristics of the shampoo packaging machine, the fluidity of the shampoo liquid, etc., and how to choose the shampoo packaging machine.
Answer: The liquid is very fluid and difficult to separate. The liquid pump is used to measure its volume and calculate the weight.
All materials must be selected according to their characteristics to select the most suitable measurement method.


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